Thursday, October 30, 2008

ZSP Delhi Branch Public Circulation

Office of the
57/R, Lok Sabha Qtrs, CPWD Colony
Vasant Vihar, New Delhi - 110 057

October 29, 2008

The Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi (ZSP) Delhi Branch is compelled to express its anguish and anxieties by the frequent malicious, seditious and barbaric conduct of some of our so-called Zou elders against the Delhi Zous. The latest incident of their shameful and cheap conduct manifest by the distribution of pamphlets in the Church premises during a crusade on 5th October 2008 whereby calling for the total boycott of the 16th Annual (ZSP) Delhi Branch Fresher’s Social Meet 2008, which was helded on the 7th October 2008. Also, the subsequent insidious, treacherous, malevolent and frivolous report on the 16th ZSP (ZSP) Delhi Branch Fresher’s Social Meet 2008 by one ZOKU, perhaps in connivance with other smaller Zoku widely web-caste in the internet with the sheer intension of spreading hatred and dividing the Zous on the line of religion and clans. This Satanic conducts of ZOKU has shocked the Delhi Zou Society and the entire Zou community in the world.

Dear Zou Brethren, as a witness to the entire incidence in the Fresher’s Social Meet and being a responsible office bearers of the ZSP (Delhi Branch), we would like to clarify certain doubts and misunderstanding with facts, circumstances and the tension we faced for organizing the Fresher’s Social Meet and its aftermath nurtured by none other than ZOKU to achieve his vicious interest.

It is true that the barbaric anti-social conduct of those so-called Delhi Zou elders, Zou Employes or Zou ngaina pawl calling for the “Boycott of the ZSP Fresher’s Social Meet” by distributing pamphlets in the Church premises, where Pu Hauliankap is the chairman of the fellowship did keep every one apprehensive for the day of the Freshers Meet.
The Fresher’s Meet programe began with a holy prayer by Nu Chinglian w/o Pa Hauliankap, and last till 6:30PM followed by a sumptuous Zou dinner.Despite several rumors and hearsays, representatives of various students organizations like KSO, KZP and ZSF etc graced the occasion as invitees. All Zou elders along with a crowed of more than 400 turn out in the Fresher’s Meet which is recorded as the highest turn out in the Delhi Zou history. However, unbecoming of their status, Pa Philips Thanglianmang and his wife Nu Nuamzavung boycotted the celebration without shame.

Most remarkably Nu Chiinkhannem w/o Pa Hahau was honoured and conferred the titles “MOTHER OF ZSP (DELHI)” in view of her 18 years ceaseless love and sacrifice for the Zou Community in Delhi.
Pu Khakhai Zou, Chairman of the Zou Organisation Delhi felicitates Pu Thongkhanlal Zou, Deputy Commandant CRPF as the guest of honour followed by a presentation. However, Mr. Ashish Chopra who consented to grace the function as the Chief Guest coul not turn up in the last minute. Pu Thongkhanlal (GOH) enthralls the audience with a tearful emotional speech that any sensible ordinary Zou, Government servant and elders with integrity ought to ponder.
After dinner, few left for home, some picks their tooth, other are flattering and complementing each other and most of the crowd are waiting for the traditional “Laamkai” to bid farewell to the 16th ZSP Fresher’s Meet 208. Gradually, the pre-plan intention to create ruckus in the programmed by some misguided brothers erupted and start yelling and barking without any particular target. The one who start the drama vanish immediately but the barking continues for some time. On the other corner, some of our invites, probably wanted to settles their personal grudge between them, but the timely intervention of responsible Zou elders present at the time of the incident brought the situation under control.

The distribution of pamplets for thr “Boycott of ZSP Fresher’s Meet distributed in the Z.C.F Church come as a horrid surprise to all the Zou’s and a serious disappointment to all those tribes who came to attend the last day of the Crusade. The pamphlets was distributed by Ms. Sandy, eldest daughter of Philips Thanglianmang who released the Annual magazine in the name of the father, son and the holy spirit recently being not regular to the church; has either mistakenly or intentionally distributed the pamphlets to most of the non-Zous who came for the crusade, pains the heart of every Zou for launching Anti-social messages or spreading hatred even if one has close relationship with the Chairman/secretary etc. The so called Delhi Zou Papi, Employess and Zou ngaina pawl claiming to represent the Zous in Delhi in the most outrageous manner could have been given a befitting reply but in the absence of medical certificate of their mental fitness/ soundness, we are not in a position to do anything for the time being.

ZOUKU (probably derived from the word zongkupi (Chimpanzee) crying for banana) report on ZSp fresher’s meet 2008
Dear Breathren, for how long shall we moan over one invisible and unknowable beings who webcast a insidioud report in the internet on the 16th Annual Fresher’s Meet 208 of the ZSP Delhi Branch. The reporter seems to be a self appraise writer without any decency or an educated person, having no sensibility of an elder persons who be an officer by fluke continues to make no sense in the Zou dialect, every Zous is guessing on the identity of the reporter Except the word “zongkupi” meaning “restless Monkey Giant”, there is no other term to relate with the word ZOKU in Zou dialect. Or is ZOKU the erstwhile Monkey-men in Delhi that hit the national news headlines some years back?
ZOKU appeared to be obsessed with caste and clans as seen in his report that on the night of 7th October 208. Mr. Lalmalsom Phiamphu punched Mr. Mamang whereas the truth is that sisters of Mamang requested Mr. malsawm and Mr. mangkholun to sort out the difference between Mamang and others that was done on the very next day. Hence, the allegation of ZOKUS is wrong and frivolous.
ZOKU also report that Mangkholun A/M brother of Muanching Tungdim’s husband Mr. Lunminthang physically assault Mr. Chuchung without any provocation whereas the truth is that Mangkholun acting as the responsible President was actually controlling the boys involving in the scuffle without siding any one in particular. What ZOKU has reported is wrong, baseless and unfounded?
ZOKU (Zongkupi) also wrongly report that Pa Khakhai Zou, Chairman Zou organization Delhi also assault someone in the ruckus whereas, the fact is that Pa Khakhai Zou was actually trying to disperse those Goondas.
Who is the so called ZOKU? Is he or she an eunuch or a ghost? What is ZOKU intention in spreading such baseless propaganda to dismantle the Delhi Zou society? What blissfulness does he expect by nurturing grudge against the leaders of ZSP Delhi and ZOD? Does ZOKU is aware about the fantastic success of the 16th ZSP Fresher’s Social Meet 2008, inspite of the so called boycott by those claiming to represent the etire Zouy papi, Zou employess and Zou ngaina pawls in Delhi.
Moreover, it would be interesting to note that one Mrs. Nuamzavung wife of Philips Thanglianmang have been actively resorting to different cheap means to fail the ZSP programmed by threatening all the ZSP Delhi Branch prominent members throught phone call (date, time and phone number is on record).
Nu Nuamzavung wife of Philips Thanglianmang government servant again made an attempt to persuade Mr. M. Jimy Zou to refrain from the ZSP fresher’s Meet and not to contribute his PA system as there is high probability of disturbances on the occasion.
Nu Nuamzavung maliciously attempt to misguide Nu Chiinkhannem by telling her that ZSP Fresher’s Meet is postponed hence need no contribution anymore. But Nu cChinnemkim’s presence of mind prompted her to call up the ZSP executive members which confirm Nuamzavung mischievous intention.
Therefore, the undercover activities of ZOKU and Mr Philips Thanglianmang and his wife Nuamzavung are likely to be one entity or analter-ego of the similar undivided, in psychiatrist term ZOKU is engaging in a defense mechanism called “sublimation”. The symptoms also exhibites highly co-relation with multiple- personalityr, a diseases common with over conciuos and egoistic people in the western countries. Therefore, one can arrived at a simple conclusion that ZOKU is an educated person and possibly might held a relatively high position in any government office, yet still manage to have time for indulging in such extremely childish activities in the Zou Society. One can ponder if zoku is on leave or under official suspension or sick and needs psych-therapy treatment from professionals.
To sum up, whatever allegation or misunderstanding we have could have been discussed and sorted out amicanly within us especially when elder persons are involved rather than blowing horns every where. ZSP will always work for the Unity and Corporation amongst the student community irrespective of religion, clans or region.
Long Live Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi…!


Issued by

The Information & Publicity Department
Zou Sangnaupang Pawlpi, Delhi Branch

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mr and Miss Freshers 2008

Mr. Fresher Tv. Khupmuanpau leh Miss Fresher Nh. Priscila Hoipi
Miss Fresher 2006 Lucy Niangnuamching, Nh. Mary Suantah Mr & Miss Freshers
Editorpu with Nungahtes
Mr and Miss Fresher Contest finalist
Miss Zouzam Zou Vasant Vihar
Mr & Miss Fresher
Miss Fresher 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

Miss ZSP Golden Jubilee lim

Na kilawm e lanu nang inam puantoh...!
Miss ZSP Golden Jubilee: Miss Grace Manngailun.
1st Runner Up: Miss Ruth Nemneikim of Kullian , 2nd Runner-up Miss Sandy Kimbawi Zou of Langol, Imphal
Miss Grace ZSP Golden Girl